The Canadiens Alex Kovalev has just released a double DVD of his training drills and practice tips with proceeds going to needy children with heart troubles. It's a pretty cool gesture on Kovy's part and I'm willing to bet these DVD's are snapped up in a hurry.
"My Hockey Tips And Training Methods" was filmed last summer in Montreal and already there are a few sneak previews from You Tube that you can view from here.
I look at these things and they leave me speechless, quite honestly. Backhanding a puck into the top corner with one hand is just sick!
When Kovalev's playing career is over, he's going to make a killing with a hockey school camp.
Check out these clips.
Here are some of the articles on the Kovalev DVD and what his inspiration was to make them.
Habs Kovalev Giving Back To Youngsters - Gazette
"I was seven years old and I was training five or six hours a day," Kovalev recalled. "One day, I saw the doctor for a checkup and he said there was something wrong with my heart. He told me I shouldn't play, that maybe I could skate for half an hour once a week."
Kovalev DVD To Benefit Needy Kids - Habs Inside Out
"Kovalev, who leases a Bell Centre loge for the use of sick and underprivileged children, is donating 100 per cent of the profits from the DVD project to charities that promote cardiac care for children."
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