Carbonneau Tries To Light Higgins Fire - Gazette
"Chris has to understand what kind of player he is," Carbonneau said after the Canadiens practised yesterday at the Bell Centre. "He's an up-and-down skater who has to go straight to the net. We want him to be the player we drafted. He has 21 goals and, if you look at them, 15 or 16 of them were scored from five feet away from the net."
NHL Greats Lach And Schmidt Still Feisty At 90 - NHL.com
"Every time I played against Elmer, I knew I was playing against one of the best," Schmidt said. "I had to give my best every game. We had great battles against that line of Lach, Rocket Richard and Toe Blake. It was just ability against ability. I thought it brought out the best in the Kraut Line. We tried to hold them down and we scored very few goals against them. They scored more. Richard was the guy who scored them. It was a pleasure and an honor to play against those guys."
Canadiens Juggle Lines, Look To Get Higgins On Track - NHL.com
"When you play a team like Ottawa and your second line doesn't have a shot, that's a bit disturbing," said Carbonneau. "It's not more offence - we've had enough (goals) this year - but we want better balance."
Price Watchers Will Be Rewarded - NHL.com
"The 20-year-old Price has shown calm usually only seen in veterans, some of whom couldn't thrive in the pressure-cooker atmosphere of Montreal come playoff crunch time." - Rocky Bonanno
Nemesis! - The H Does Not Stand For Habs
"Forget the leafs. The Ottawa Senators are the Habs' worst nightmare. Public enemy number one. The fly in their ointment. The rain on their parade. The kryptonite to their Superman." - J.T.

Carbo donne le filet a Halak - RDS
"C'est le temps de le retourner au jeu. On a pensé au match contre les Islanders ou celui de mardi face aux Blues de St-Louis", a indiqué Guy Carbonneau.
Pas le droit à l'erreur - RDS
"C’est en effet avec un alignement remodelé que le Canadien, qui montre une fiche de ,500 mais qui n’a rien offert de bien convaincant à ses six derniers matchs, tentera de consolider ses acquis - ou mieux encore, d'améliorer sa position - au classement de l’Association de l’Est."
CH: la ligne d'authorité est respectée - La Presse
"Rendu à la mi-mars, la Flanelle sacrée lutte vaillamment pour le titre de la division Nord-Est et de l'Association de l'Est. Et le tout, sans avoir sacrifié un seul jeune et en ayant considérablement rajeuni l'équipe." - Rejean Tremblay
L'attaque à cinq en panne - Le Journal
"Les 72 premiers matchs ont été pas mal bons, mais il faut revenir aux petites choses qu'on faisait auparavant", fait valoir Streit.
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