Goaltenders articles are today's theme, with Jaroslav Halak earning a surprise start against the Blues tonight.
Cue the goaltending controversy stories, especially if Halak does equally well tonight.
Considering how well Halak performed against the Islanders, it really should be no surprise that he's gotten an extra nod to return between the pipes. Many assumed, and rightfully so, that Carey Price would see the bulk of the work in the team's final stretch of games, and that's not likely to change. What Carbonneau is doing simply, is rewarding a solid performancing, knowing full well that it is wise to keep both goalies sharp as the playoffs near and game gain in importance.
Then again, it might just be an opportunity for Carey to adjust to his newly arrived set of goalie pads!
Be sure to check out the HIO feature on the Habs goalie equipment throughout the years. It's quite a view!
There's some other stuff in here that I hope to follow up on later today. The Kovalev video release to benefit kids with heart problems looks to be a beauty. If you've seen the You Tube clips of his practice habits, you'll know what I mean.
Guillaume Latendresse contunues to be written about in the french media in regards to his training and off ice work, but seemingly ignored by the english media. It's starting to piss me of. I'm not going to get into it for now, but I will transcribe today's Journal and La Presse stories on him, mixed in with my own feelings later as well.
Enjoy the reads.
Halak Hopes to Challenge For Starters Role - TSN
"I think he deserves to play again," coach Guy Carbonneau said Monday. "He played a really good game after going through a tough time."
Hot Halak Earns Nod Versus Blues - Gazette
"I was impressed by how calm he was, how sure he is about who he is. He came in in a tough situation. It was his first (home start) since last season and we couldn't afford to lose that game." - Carbonneau
Price Pads Equipement Resumé - Gazette
"And yet, Carey Price's goalie pads didn't look too shabby yesterday - until they were propped up beside the factory-fresh, graphically redesigned pair he'll begin to break in today and be wearing in games as early as this weekend." - Dave Stubbs
Dressed For Success - Habs Goalies Through The Years - Gazette

Habs Kovalev Says DVD To Help Kids With Heart Troubles - NHL.com
"Je ne m'y attendais pas": Halak - RDS
"L'objectif d'un gardien auxiliaire demeure de devenir le numéro un, rappelle-t-il. Mais cette compétition ne nous empêche pas d'être de bons amis. On ne cesse jamais de s'encourager."
"Halak ne méritait pas de retourner sur le banc" - La Presse
"C'est agréable d'avoir la chance de disputer deux matchs de suite parce qu'auparavant, je n'avais pas joué durant une semaine après avoir récolté une victoire" - Jaroslav Halak
Latendresse tente d'amélioerer son coup de patin - La Presse
"L'an dernier, j'allais au gymnase si Scott (Livingston) m'en parlait, raconte Latendresse. Cette année, j'ai acquis de meilleures habitudes. Je fais plus de cardio. J'ai même un circuit que je fais avec Francis (Bouillon). Je fais aussi de l'extra sur la glace avec Roland (Melanson)." - Guillaume Latendresse
Carbonneau veut terminer en tête, mais pas à tout prix - Le Journal
"Je ne serais pas prêt à utiliser seulement deux lignes d'attaque et trois défenseurs juste pour finir la saison en première position. Ce qui importe sera d'entrer dans les séries sur une bonne note." - Carbonneau
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