Reaching first place in the Conference spills lots of ink.
Of the 19 links below, don't miss the hilarious entry by the boys at Four Habs Fans, who have managed to gather the reactions of many world leaders on the Habs leap into to first.
Here's hoping all this euphoria leads to something big!
I'm heading off to the Bell Centre tonight to catch a little Jersey madness myself in the form of Springsteen and the E Street Band. I'm going solo and probably buying a cheapie seat. I'm going to be on the lookout for Habs fans, as I'll be wearing my Canadiens jersey in celebration!
Enjoy the reads here!
Habs Reach Summit With A Devil Of A Game - The Gazette
"Here's the best news of the night: The Canadiens also demonstrated they could match the Devils shut down for shut down - particularly in the late stages of the game while protecting the lead - which says a lot for the team en route to the playoffs." - Red Fisher
Elder Kostitsyn Plays The Hero - The Gazette
"We need more games like this to prepare us for big games in the playoffs," goaltending coach Rollie Melanson said after watching prize pupil Carey Price stop 31 shots for his third consecutive win. "There was a time when we played New Jersey and it was no contest. We've now beaten them the last two times we played and we've shown we can play with them."
Gorges Has Found His Niche - The Gazette
"You're just kind of in awe for the first little while. You look around and you see all the great players that have played here, all the tradition, all the Stanley Cups that have been won on this team. Like I said, to be a part of the Montreal Canadiens is something I think every player that gets the opportunity to is very lucky."
Habs Ring In March As Beasts Of The East - The Gazette
"We need more games like this to prepare us for big games in the playoffs," goaltending coach Rollie Melanson said after watching prize pupil Carey Price stop 31 shots for his third consecutive win. "There was a time when we played New Jersey and it was no contest. We've now beaten them the last two times we played and we've shown we can play with them."
Still In Awe Of '85 - '86 Season - The Gazette
"I was surprised to see Maley there, because he only played three regular-season games and seven playoff games (one goal, three assists) with the Canadiens in 1985-86 after being called up from the University of Wisconsin. Maley was surprised to be there, too, and the story of how he ended up at centre ice last Saturday night says a lot about Gainey." - Stu Cowan
If This City Is Hockey, The World Is Canadiens - Four Habs Fans
"In wanting to shed some more light on this hesitation I decided to poll the leaders of the world, since they are obviously all Habs fans and all watched the Habs beat up on the Buffalo Buffalos by a score of 6-2." - Habsfan 33

Habsfan 29 posted this standings chart at FHF today, to reassert the notice that he was not dreaming!
The Canadiens In First - Lions In Winter
"The Habs were handed a golden opportunity in the third period to take the lead when they were awarded back-to-back, overlapping power-plays. With 5 seconds left in the second penalty it looked as though we had missed the boat, but alas Andrei came through in the clutch. A shot came in from the slot and it looked like Brodeur was beaten, but the puck sailed wide. Kostitsyn quickly went behind the net to grab the loose puck under no pressure whatsoever from the Devils. He then quickly put a wrap-around off Brodeur to give us the game-winner." - Tobalev
Canadiens Ink Ben Maxwell- Canadiens.com
The Beasts Of The East - All Habs
"Don't double take Canadiens fans when you read the Sunday morning paper tomorrow and see your Montreal Canadiens leading the Eastern Conference standing with 81 points." - Habster
Habs Edge Devils, Take First Place In The East - TSN
"Saku Koivu caused quite a stir prior to the season when he suggested that his Montreal Canadiens may be good enough to make the playoffs, but they are not considered favourites to win the Stanley Cup." - No one with enough balls to be named behind this story.

"Je Craignais ces deux matchs": Guy Carbonneau - RDS
"Ils luttent avec acharnement et parviennent continuellement à trouver des solutions." - Carbonneau
"J' étais tellement survolté": Maxim Lapierre - La Presse
"Je pense que je n'avais encore jamais gardé la rondelle aussi longtemps en ma possession de ma vie", a lancé Lapierre, qui a eu droit à une ovation monstre en récompense de son travail."
"Comprends-moi bien: j'ai tout le respect au monde pour les joueurs des Devils qui sont excellents dans ce qu'ils font et qui se défoncent à l'ouvrage. Mais c'est tellement plate jouer contre eux qu'ils devraient être obligés de payer le café aux amateurs pour qu'ils restent réveillés" - Chris Higgins
Kovalev a fait un examin de conscience - La Presse
"Je n'ai pas apprécié ma dernière saison. C'est comme si vous n'êtes pas à l'aise dans votre logis. Vous êtes malheureux en entrant dans la place. Il faut alors jeter les vieux meubles et acheter du neuf." - Kovalev
Brent Sutter blâme les officiels: "On était à Montréal" - La Presse
"Je n'ai pas aimé les deux décisions des arbitres (Eric Furlatt et Don Koharski). Dans le premier cas, ils ont attendu cinq longues secondes avant de lever le bras tandis que, dans le deuxième cas, j'ai regardé la vidéo et je ne peux pas voir d'infraction. Mais on était à Montréal" - Brent Sutter
Kovalev: les critiques on fait place aux compliments - Le Journal
"Sur le plan personnel, l'implication de Kovalev mérite d'être soulignée, lui qui fait profiter les enfants malades d'une loge au Centre Bell. Il fait exactement la même chose pour les enfants russes à Moscou. C'est un homme d'une belle sensibilité et d'une grande humanité." - Jacques Demers
"C'est quelque chose d' énorme pour nous": Carey Price - Le Journal
"Mais on ne pourra pas savourer ça bien longtemps car un dur voyage dans l'Ouest américain nous attend. On ne peut pas s'asseoir sur nos lauriers" -Carey Price

"Si Carbonneau et ses hommes étaient passablement calmes, c'était l'euphorie aux abords du Centre Bell. On pouvait entendre un bruyant concert de klaxons. On n'ose pas s'imaginer ce que ce sera le soir de la grande conquête !" - Marc De Foy
Brodeur: "Donnons le mérite au Canadien" - Le Journal
"Si l'atmosphère était à la fête dans le vestiaire du Canadien après le match, c'était tout le contraire dans celui des Devils où il régnait un silence de mort." - Gilles Vachet
Premier dans l' Est! - Le Journal
"C'est la première fois depuis 1993 que le Tricolore se retrouve en tête du classement dans son association au mois de mars." - Pierre Durocher
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