Talk about your gloomy Mondays for News! Injuries will do that to your spirit.
I've tried to lighten things up a bit this morning ( OK, nevermind the cartoon at the top ) by adding a couple of clips. Dave Stubbs mention a fight scene from Monty Python, and I've added the reference clip below the link to his post. There's also another clip at the bottom having to do with goalies fighting. The Habs were leading the Islanders 2 games to none when this one happened in 1984.
I've also linked to a newly found Habs blog this is very interesting. Dennis Kane has been a Habs fan since that picture was taken. I hope you enjoy his reads.
Carbo & Co May Enter Playoffs Without Koivu - Gazette
"Koivu was due for more tests when the swelling goes down. He definitely will not play in any of the team's three remaining regular-season games and a decision on the playoffs will be made after a further assessment of the injury." - Pat Hickey
Banged Up Komisarek Chomping At The Bit - Gazette
"Mike Komisarek clearly remembers being 100-per- cent healthy this season. "First game of the year," the Canadiens defenceman joked, or didn't, yesterday. "Since then, it's just been a laundry list of bumps and bruises that are part of the game. Every player fights through things all season that very few people beyond our training staff know about." - Dave Stubbs
Giving Their All For King And Country - Gazette
"In the 1975 film Monty Python and the Holy Grail, a stubborn, courageous black knight guarding a small bridge has both arms and legs sliced clean off his body by King Arthur, who trots away victoriously while his de-limbed, diehard foe hollers after him, "It's just a flesh wound ... I'll bite your legs off!" - Dave Stubbs
No Koivu, No Luck - Lions In Winter
"Toronto didn't let their recent elimination from the playoffs stop them from playing another hard game against us. No matter how high or low either team is in the standings a Leaf/Hab match-up will always be a tough game. We seemed lost without Koivu out there all night, even Kovy's line lacked direction. You never really know the value of a player (or players - Streit too) until you play without them." - Tobalev
Bad Luck Arrives All At Once - Globe Sports
"Given the youth on the team, this will be troublesome. The playoffs are a different story from the regular season; the checking is more intense and every mistake is magnified in importance." - Dave Shoalts
Montreal Was In A Coma Saturday Night - Dennis Kane's Canadiens Blog
"Why am I not surprised that MontreaL, leading the eastern division, waltz’s into Toronto to take on the sad-sack Leafs who won’t be in the playoffs, and comes out flatter than a pancake. Montreal had no drive, no spirit, not much of anything, as they lost 4-2 Saturday night to Toronto, and some unheard of Leaf named Anton Stralman scores two goals that Jaroslav Halak should have stopped."

Finir en force malgré tout - RDS
"Le Canadien n’a pas connu de succès cette saison lorsque Roman Hamrlik s’est absenté pendant deux semaines et voilà que l’absence de joueurs comme Saku Koivu et Mark Streit fait mal. Dans le cas de Koivu, il se déplace en béquilles avec un protecteur au pied gauche." - Reneaud Lavoie
Une situation qu'il faut corriger - RDS
"La façon de terminer une saison détermine souvent comment on entreprend les séries, a fait valoir le Russe. A Buffalo, on a été chanceux de gagner. Mais ce soir (samedi), on n'a pas travaillé. On va devoir profiter des trois derniers matchs pour tirer les leçons qui s'imposent. On aura besoin d'un meilleur effort et d'une meilleure préparation mentale."
Canadien: Pas de panique - La Presse
"Une insatisfaction généralisée dans le vestiaire du Canadien après ce revers. Il faut dire que pour un deuxième soir de suite, le Canadien s’est contenté de bien peu." - François Gagnon
S'assurer du 1er rang et retrouver la passion - Le Journal
"Le Canadien aura deux défis à relever en cette dernière semaine du calendrier régulier de la LNH. Il devra aller chercher le point qui lui manque pour s'assurer à tout le moins du championnat de la division Nord-Est et retrouver l'enthousiasme qui lui a permis de soulever des montagnes jusqu'à ce que sa participation aux séries devienne officielle, au début de la semaine dernière." - Marc de Foy
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