Habs Hold On To Clinch Playoff Spot - Gazette
"In the previous games, we worried too much about them and not enough about our own game," Koivu said. "Tonight, we played really well for the first two periods and that's what we have to do if we meet them in the playoffs."
One Word For Canadiens: Remarkable - Gazette
"File and forget 'em. I agree upsets happen, but trust me on this: if a vote were taken among the Canadiens about which team they'd want to meet in the first round, Boston would be their choice - for all of the right reasons." - Red Fisher
Habs Put a Lock On It - Gazette
"The Senators have 89 points and need six points from their final six regular-season games, which would give them 95, to guarantee a playoff berth. Can they do it?" - Allen Panzeri
Habs Earn Playoff Spot With Win Over Sens - TSN
"Now we can enjoy this for a couple of days," said Montreal captain Saku Koivu. "But you can play as well as you want in the regular season, you still have to be ready for the playoffs. We want to finish strong too, but slowly now, we can start thinking about the playoffs."
A Win And They're In - Globe Sports
""It was more important for them early on than it was for us, obviously," he said. "We came out flat-footed, our defence didn't move the puck and we didn't get many stops from the goaltenders." - Bryan Murray
Hab - itual Nightmare - Ottawa Sun
"The questions about the Senators’ goaltending, which looked like they had abated, will now rage again after the Habs chased Ottawa starter Martin Gerber from the net after 20 minutes. He gave up three goals on 14 shots and on each goal - two by Andrei Kostitsyn sandwiching one by Chris Higgins — he lost track of the puck and looked lost himself." - Chris Stevenson
Dickensian Hockey - Habs Inside Out
"It was the best of times: a seemingly insurmountable 7-1 lead after 40 minutes, total domination of an Ottawa team that has kicked Canadiens butt all season. But it was nearly the worst of times, as the Senators scored four unanswered goals and outshot Canadiens 14-2 in the third period." - Mike Boone

3, Not 33 - Habs Inside Out
"The Canadiens will retire at least one more number during the team's centennial 2008-'09 season. Everyone thinks Patrick Roy is a lock. I respectfully disagree. Roy's latest goon show in the Q is further evidence that his name does not belong up in the Bell Centre rafters with Canadiens' immortals such as Maurice Richard, Jean Béliveau, Guy Lafleur – and Bob Gainey." - Mike Boone
Roy To The Rafters - The H Does Not Stand For Habs
"Of course, the idea of one player winning a Stanley Cup by himself is a myth. Hockey is a team game and a team wins or loses together. But it is certainly a fact that a single player can elevate his game with such passion that he carries the rest of his team to a higher level with him. Roy was that player." - J.T.
Canadiens Play With Fire - Lions In Winter
"We were all over the Sens' goalies and D right off the bat, so much so that Alfredsson and company were hardly noticeable for 40 minutes. Instead of sitting back and wondering what Ottawa was going to do next, how they were going to embarrass us in our own building, we took it to them and played like we do against almost every other team." - Tobalev

Disparus, les complexes - RDS
"Complètement inoffensifs contre les Sénateurs d’Ottawa depuis le début de la saison, les hommes de Guy Carbonneau ont choisi le meilleur moment pour effacer tous leurs complexes, battant leurs rivaux par la marque de 7-5 au Centre Bell."
"On doit retenir une leçon": Carbonneau - RDS
"L'entraîneur a expliqué que les joueurs ont finalement compris que même en jouant bien défensivement et en ne courant pas trop de risques, ils pouvaient marquer des buts contre les Sénateurs."
Higgins: "Nous avons été les agresseurs" - La Presse
"Guy Carbonneau a souvent répété que c'est dans la défaite qu'une équipe tire le plus grand nombre de leçons. Mais hier, c'était du deux pour un: ils ont eu la leçon tout en récoltant les deux points de la victoire!" - Marc Antoine Godin
Premier, premier, premier - La Presse
"Avec les départs de joueurs importants et l’entrée en scène de jeunes qui avaient peu ou pas d’expérience, de nombreuses questions étaient sans réponse en début de saison. Cela rend la confirmation de notre place en séries encore plus valorisante. Et le fait d’être le premier club à obtenir ce laissez-passer rend cet exploit plus satisfaisant encore », a lancé le capitaine Saku Koivu après le match." - François Gagnon
Carbonneau: "Je suis relaxe" - Le Journal
"C'est certain que j'ai fait mention de notre tenue au troisième engagement quand j'ai parlé aux joueurs à la fin du match. On a commis des erreurs et écopé de pénalités qui auraient pu nous faire mal. Mais en définitive, on a de bonnes raisons d'être contents." - Carbonneau
"On sait qu'on peut battre le Sénateurs": Bouillon - Le Journal
"On parlait de ce match depuis trois jours et c'était important de connaître un bon départ", raconte Bouillon. Le fait d'avoir battu les Sénateurs à ce temps-ci de la saison est important pour notre confiance."

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