"I'm just expecting a good effort," Carbonneau said. "He's been anxious to play; I think he's been anxious since September. He came up a couple of times this year and didn't get a chance to play. He's been a good pro and he's worked really hard in practice. But like anyone who's really competitive, he wants to show us what he can do in a game."
Rookie Draws Habs Ire, But No Sanctions - Gazette
"But if Grabovski, who referred any inquiries about the incident to Carbonneau, thought his disappearing act was going to hasten his return to the lineup, he was wrong. Carbonneau said Grabovski will again be a healthy scratch for this afternoon's game against the Los Angeles Kings." - Pat Hickey
Carbonneau Has A Good Shot At Coach Of The Year Award - Gazette
"Who has done a better job than Guy Carbonneau, whose Canadiens were picked by most people to finish out of the playoffs?"
Can Euro Captains Win The Cup? - Hockey.com
"Forget that he is regularly matched against bigger opponents or that he draws the most difficult defensive assignments. This is a man who battled cancer head-on and beat it. This is a man whose career nearly ended when he was struck in the eye with a stick. He played most of last season with blurred vision but still managed to put up career numbers." - Pat Hickey
Turtleneck Power - The H Does Not Stand For Habs
"What tipped the scales for me and made Plekanec my favourite Hab was the beginning of last season, when he was playing with an uninspired Kovalev and a petulent Samsonov. Despite the obvious failure of his line and the blame he was taking for it, he never took a shift off when many of his teammates did on many nights." - J.T
Ne pas sous estimer les Kings - RDS
"Ils n'ont pas une bonne saison, mais on ne doit pas les prendre à la légère" a avancé l'ailier du Canadien, Tom Kostopoulos
Les partisans mérite cet honneur - RDS
"Je crois que le déclic s'est fait avec l'arrivée des jeunes loups, qui ont su épater la foule. La direction a réussi le tour de force de renouveler sa clientèle." - Jacques Demers
Grabovski a fait une fugue - Le Journal
"Mikhail Grabovski a-t-il disputé son dernier match dans l'uniforme du Canadien? C'est la question qu'on peut se poser après avoir pris connaissance de l'étourderie commise par le jeune attaquant biélorusse." - Yvon Pedneault
La patience est de mise avec David Fisher - Le Journal
"Il doit encore apprendre à jouer à la défense. Il était principalement un défenseur à caractère offensif partout où il avait joué avant son entrée à l'université." - Trevor Timmins
Pacioretty progresse rapidement - Le Journal
"Les bons attaquants de puissance ne courent pas les rues. Les équipes de la Ligue nationale qui ont la chance d'en compter dans leurs rangs les gardent précieusement. Or, tout indique que le Canadien en possède maintenant un dans sa banque de jeunes joueurs." - Marc De Foy
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